
Pooled Data Files
Indicator All birth orders combined, females By birth order, females Males
ASFR and CPFR, standardized age scale 1751 - 2022 1970 - 2022 1968 - 2015
TFR and mean age at birth 1751 - 2022 [graphs] 1970 - 2022 1968 - 2015 [graphs]
Data by source, females
Source Source type All birth orders combined By birth order
European Demographic Observatory (ODE). Data collection submitted to the HFC by Jean-Paul Sardon, 2011. research estimates 1911 - 2009 1974 - 2007
Statistics Sweden (1969). Historisk statistik för Sverige. Del 1. Bevolkning 1720-1967. Örebro : Statistiska centralbyrån. Data downloaded on 18.07.2012. vital statistics 1751 - 1965
Festy, P. (1979). La fécondité des pays occidentaux de 1870 a 1970 [Fertility in Western Countries (1870-1970)]. INED: Travaux et Documents Cahier nr. 85 Presses Universitaires de France. research estimates 1850 - 1976
Statistics Sweden (1969). Statistical Abstract of Sweden 1969. Stockholm: Statistiska centralbyrån. Data downloaded on 11.06.2013. vital statistics 1963 - 1966
Statistics Sweden (1972). Statistical Abstract of Sweden 1972. Stockholm: Statistiska centralbyrån. Data downloaded on 11.06.2013. vital statistics 1967 - 1970
Statistics Sweden (1976). Statistical Abstract of Sweden 1976. Stockholm: Statistiska centralbyrån. Data downloaded on 11.06.2013. vital statistics 1971 - 1975
Statistics Sweden (1980). Statistical Abstract of Sweden 1980. Stockholm: Statistiska centralbyrån. Data downloaded on 11.06.2013. vital statistics 1976 - 1979
Statistics Sweden (1984). Statistical Abstract of Sweden 1984. Stockholm: Statistiska centralbyrån. Data downloaded on 11.06.2013. vital statistics 1980 - 1982
Statistics Sweden (1988). Statistical Abstract of Sweden 1988. Stockholm: Statistiska centralbyrån. Data downloaded on 11.06.2013. vital statistics 1983 - 1986
Statistics Sweden (1992). Statistical Yearbook of Sweden 1992. Stockholm: Statistiska centralbyrån. Data downloaded on 11.06.2013. vital statistics 1987 - 1990
Statistics Sweden (1996). Statistical Yearbook of Sweden 1996. Stockholm: Statistiska centralbyrån. Data downloaded on 11.06.2013. vital statistics 1991 - 1994
Statistics Sweden (2002). Statistical Yearbook of Sweden 2002. Stockholm: Statistiska centralbyrån. Data downloaded on 11.06.2013. vital statistics 1995 - 2000
Statistics Sweden (2008). Statistical Yearbook of Sweden 2008. Stockholm: Statistiska centralbyrån. Data downloaded on 11.06.2013. vital statistics 2001 - 2006
Nordic Council of Ministers (2015). Fertility rates by reporting country, mother’s age and time [electronic resource]. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers. Data downloaded on 25.02.2015. vital statistics 2007 - 2013
Nordic Council of Ministers (2015). Fertility rates by reporting country, mother’s age and time [electronic resource]. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers. Data downloaded on 23.06.2015. vital statistics 2014
Human Fertility Database. Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Germany) and Vienna Institute of Demography (Austria). Available at www.humanfertility.org. Data downloaded on 02.08.2023. vital statistics 1891 - 2022 1970 - 2022
Nordic Council of Ministers (2016). Fertility rates by reporting country, mother’s age and time [electronic resource]. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers. Data downloaded on 09.11.2015. vital statistics 2015
Nordic Council of Ministers (2017). Fertility rates by reporting country, mother’s age and time [electronic resource]. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers. Data downloaded on 20.07.2017. vital statistics 2016
Nordic Council of Ministers (2020). Fertility rates by reporting country, mother’s age and time [electronic resource]. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers. Data downloaded on 08.01.2020. vital statistics 2017
Nordic Council of Ministers (2020). Fertility rates by reporting country, mother’s age and time [electronic resource]. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers. Data downloaded on 03.07.2020. vital statistics 2018
Nordic Council of Ministers (2021). Fertility rates by reporting country, mother’s age and time [electronic resource]. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers. Data downloaded on 13.12.2021. vital statistics 2019
Nordic Council of Ministers (2023). Fertility rates by reporting country, mother’s age and time [electronic resource]. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers. Data downloaded on 10.01.2023. vital statistics 2020 - 2021
Nordic Council of Ministers (2024). Fertility rates by reporting country, mother’s age and time [electronic resource]. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers. Data downloaded on 11.03.2024. vital statistics 2022