
Pooled Data Files
Indicator All birth orders combined, females By birth order, females
ASFR and CPFR, standardized age scale 1999, 2002 - 2022
TFR and mean age at birth 1999, 2002 - 2022 [graphs]
Data by source
Source Source type All birth orders combined By birth order
Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2008). Statistical Yearbook Kazakhstan in 2007. Astana: Agency of Statistics. Data downloaded on 21.06.2013. vital statistics 2003 - 2007
Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2012). Statistical Yearbook Kazakhstan in 2011. Astana: Agency of Statistics. Data downloaded on 21.06.2013. vital statistics 2008 - 2011
Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2013). Ethno-Demographic Yearbook of Kazakhstan 2013. Astana: Agency of Statistics. Data downloaded on 20.02.2015. vital statistics 2009 - 2012
Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2014). Demographic Yearbook of Kazakhstan 2014. Astana: Agency of Statistics. Data downloaded on 20.02.2015. vital statistics 2013
Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2006). Ethno-Demographic Yearbook of Kazakhstan 2006. Astana: Agency of Statistics. Data downloaded on 20.02.2015. vital statistics 1999, 2002, 2005
Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2015). Demographic Yearbook of Kazakhstan 2015. Astana: Agency of Statistics. Data downloaded on 11.02.2016. vital statistics 2014
Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2016). Age-Specific Fertility Rates by age groups: 2015 [electronic resource]. Astana: Agency of Statistics. Data downloaded on 11.11.2016. vital statistics 2015
Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2017). Demographic Yearbook of Kazakhstan 2017. Astana: Agency of Statistics. Data downloaded on 31.01.2018. vital statistics 2016
Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2018). Demographic Yearbook of Kazakhstan 2013-2017. Astana: Agency of Statistics. Data downloaded on 28.05.2019. vital statistics 2017
Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2019). Demographic Yearbook of Kazakhstan 2014-2018. Astana: Agency of Statistics. Data downloaded on 13.07.2020. vital statistics 2018
Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2020). Demographic Yearbook of Kazakhstan 2015-2019. Astana: Agency of Statistics. Data downloaded on 15.02.2021. vital statistics 2019
Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2021). Demographic Yearbook of Kazakhstan 2016-2020. Astana: Agency of Statistics. Data downloaded on 15.12.2021. vital statistics 2020
Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2022). Kazakhstan in the year 2021. Astana: Agency of Statistics. Data downloaded on 17.01.2023. vital statistics 2021
Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2023). Kazakhstan in the year 2022. Astana: Agency of Statistics. Data downloaded on 09.04.2024. vital statistics 2022