
Pooled Data Files
Indicator All birth orders combined, females By birth order, females Males
ASFR and CPFR, standardized age scale 1952 - 2022 2001 - 2017 1991 - 2013
TFR and mean age at birth 1952 - 2022 [graphs] 2001 - 2017 1991 - 2013 [graphs]
Data by source, females
Source Source type All birth orders combined By birth order
European Demographic Observatory (ODE). Data collection submitted to the HFC by Jean-Paul Sardon, 2011. research estimates 1952 - 2009
Federal Statistical Office of Germany (2012). Geburtenziffern (Lebendgeborene je 1000 Frauen): 2001-2011 [electronic resource]. Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Data downloaded on 10.07.2012 vital statistics 2001 - 2011
Kreyenfeld, M., R. Scholz, F. Peters, and I. Wlosnewski. Estimations based on German Perinatal Statistics [unpublished data]. Submitted to the HFC by M. Kreyenfeld on 26.08.2011. research estimates 2001 - 2008 2001 - 2008
Kreyenfeld, M., R. Scholz, F. Peters, and I. Wlosnewski. Estimations based on German Perinatal Statistics and QUAG statistics [unpublished data]. Submitted to the HFC by M. Kreyenfeld on 26.08.2011. research estimates 2001 - 2008 2001 - 2008
Federal Statistical Office of Germany (2013). Geburtenziffern (Lebendgeborene je 1000 Frauen): 2001-2012 [electronic resource]. Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Data downloaded on 12.12.2013 vital statistics 2012
Federal Statistical Office of Germany (2014). Altersspezifische Geburtenziffern [electronic resource]. Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Data downloaded on 15.07.2014. vital statistics 2011
Federal Statistical Office of Germany (1995). Statistisches Jahrbuch 1995 für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Data downloaded on 15.04.2015. vital statistics 1992 - 1993
Federal Statistical Office of Germany (1997). Statistisches Jahrbuch 1997 für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Data downloaded on 15.04.2015. vital statistics 1994 - 1995
Federal Statistical Office of Germany (1999). Statistisches Jahrbuch 1999 für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Data downloaded on 15.04.2015. vital statistics 1996 - 1997
Federal Statistical Office of Germany (2001). Statistisches Jahrbuch 2001 für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Data downloaded on 15.04.2015. vital statistics 1998 - 1999
Federal Statistical Office of Germany (2003). Bevölkerung und Erwerbstätigkeit. Fachserie 1 Reihe 1.1. Natürliche Bevölkerungsbewegung 2003. Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Accessed at INED (library) in April 2015 (S3RFA2003). vital statistics 2000
Federal Statistical Office of Germany (2003). Bevölkerung und Erwerbstätigkeit. Fachserie 1 Reihe 1.1. Natürliche Bevölkerungsbewegung 2003. Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Accessed at INED (library) in April 2015 (S3RFA2003). vital statistics 2000 - 2003
Federal Statistical Office of Germany (2010). Bevölkerung und Erwerbstätigkeit. Fachserie 1 Reihe 1.1. Natürliche Bevölkerungsbewegung 2007. Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Data downloaded on 16.04.2015. vital statistics 2004 - 2005, 2007
Federal Statistical Office of Germany (2014). Bevölkerung und Erwerbstätigkeit. Fachserie 1 Reihe 1.1. Natürliche Bevölkerungsbewegung 2012. Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Data downloaded on 16.04.2015. vital statistics 2008 - 2012
Federal Statistical Office of Germany (2012). Bevölkerung und Erwerbstätigkeit. Fachserie 1 Reihe 1.1. Natürliche Bevölkerungsbewegung 2010. Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Data downloaded on 16.04.2015. vital statistics 2006
Federal Statistical Office of Germany (2016). Geburtenziffern (Lebendgeborene je 1000 Frauen): 2001-2014 [electronic resource]. Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Data downloaded on 04.02.2016 vital statistics 2013 - 2014
Human Fertility Database. Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Germany) and Vienna Institute of Demography (Austria). Available at Data downloaded on 31.01.2020. vital statistics 1956 - 2017 2009 - 2017
Federal Statistical Office of Germany (2016). Geburtenziffern (Lebendgeborene je 1000 Frauen): 2001-2015 [electronic resource]. Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Data downloaded on 08.11.2016. vital statistics 2015
Federal Statistical Office of Germany (2018). Geburtenziffern (Lebendgeborene je 1000 Frauen): 2016 [electronic resource]. Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Data downloaded on 05.06.2018. vital statistics 2016
Federal Statistical Office of Germany (2019). Geburtenziffern (Lebendgeborene je 1000 Frauen): 2017 [electronic resource]. Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Data downloaded on 03.04.2019. vital statistics 2017
Federal Statistical Office of Germany (2020). Geburtenziffern (Lebendgeborene je 1000 Frauen): 2018 [electronic resource]. Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Data downloaded on 06.01.2020. vital statistics 2018
Federal Statistical Office of Germany (2021). Geburtenziffern (Lebendgeborene je 1000 Frauen): 2019 [electronic resource]. Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Data downloaded on 12.02.2021. vital statistics 2019
Federal Statistical Office of Germany (2021). Geburtenziffern (Lebendgeborene je 1000 Frauen): 2020 [electronic resource]. Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Data downloaded on 08.11.2021. vital statistics 2020
Federal Statistical Office of Germany (2022). Geburtenziffern (Lebendgeborene je 1000 Frauen): 2021 [electronic resource]. Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Data downloaded on 05.10.2022. vital statistics 2021
Federal Statistical Office of Germany (2024). Geburtenziffern (Lebendgeborene je 1000 Frauen): 2022 [electronic resource]. Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Data downloaded on 31.01.2024. vital statistics 2022