References By Code, Moldova

Reference code Reference
MDA_01 European Demographic Observatory (ODE). Data collection submitted to the HFC by Jean-Paul Sardon, 2011.
MDA_02 National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova (2013). Woman fertility by age group of the mother [electronic resource]. Chisinau: National Bureau of Statistics. Data downloaded on 05.02.2013. [Original URL]
MDA_03 National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova (2014). Woman fertility by age group of the mother [electronic resource]. Chisinau: National Bureau of Statistics. Data downloaded on 06.01.2014. [Original URL]
MDA_04 Zeman, K. and T. Sobotka. Age-specific fertility rates calculated from the officially published birth counts and population exposures for 1980-1987, 1990-1996, 2000-2012. Submitted to the HFC by K. Zeman and T. Sobotka on 13.02.2014.
MDA_05 National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova (2014). Woman fertility by age group of the mother [electronic resource]. Chisinau: National Bureau of Statistics. Data downloaded on 21.07.2014. [Original URL]
MDA_06 National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova (2016). Woman fertility by age group of the mother [electronic resource]. Chisinau: National Bureau of Statistics. Data downloaded on 05.02.2016. [Original URL]
MDA_07 Zeman, K. and T. Sobotka. Age-specific fertility rates calculated from the officially published and unpublished birth counts for 1980-2014 and from reestimated population exposures published as a part of MPIDR WORKING PAPER WP 2015-011. Submitted to the HFC by K. Zeman and T. Sobotka on 29 April 2016.
MDA_08 National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova (2016). Woman fertility by age group of the mother [electronic resource]. Chisinau: National Bureau of Statistics. Data downloaded on 30.06.2016. [Original URL]
MDA_09 National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova (2018). Woman fertility by age group of the mother [electronic resource]. Chisinau: National Bureau of Statistics. Data downloaded on 30.01.2018. [Original URL]
MDA_10 National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova (2019). Woman fertility by age group of the mother [electronic resource]. Chisinau: National Bureau of Statistics. Data downloaded on 11.04.2019. [Original URL]
MDA_11 National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova (2020). Woman fertility by age group of the mother [electronic resource]. Chisinau: National Bureau of Statistics. Data downloaded on 07.01.2020. [Original URL]
MDA_12 National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova (2020). Woman fertility by Years, Area and Age group of mother [electronic resource]. Chisinau: National Bureau of Statistics. Data downloaded on 23.01.2020. [Original URL]
MDA_16 National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova (2024). Woman fertility by Years, Area and Age group of mother [electronic resource]. Chisinau: National Bureau of Statistics. Data downloaded on 06.02.2024. [Original URL]

The following codes were excluded from the HFC because data were found to be problematic or provisional data were replaced by final data